• Class 00
  • 2.18 min.

Start Class
  • Class 01
  • 3.31 min.
  • 1 worksheet

Know Your Market

Start your journey by checking out the competitive landscape in your area. What already exists? What’s missing? And where can your property stand out as different? This class will open your eyes to what’s already in front of you in plain sight.

Start Class

  • Class 02
  • 8.28 min.
  • 1 worksheet

Craft Your Stay Story

Review your options for securing a property that you can turn into a business, either as the owner of that property or as a partner to the owner. If you’re a partner, you’ll also review partnership options and the pros/cons of each.

Start Class

  • Class 03
  • 6.43 min.

Get Your Property

The starting point. In Class 3 you’ll learn what connects your business, your market, and your perfect customer. With that, we’ll show you four options for how to get a property to start your business.

Start Class

  • Class 04
  • 4.58 min.

Design Your Operations

Set yourself up for maximum success by identifying your entrepreneurial preferences and tendencies so you can lean into what you like and/or do best. You’ll find there are no right answers, but many answers that are right for you.

Start Class

  • Class 05
  • 4.56 min.
  • 1 worksheet

Document Your Costs

Dive deep into the financial realities of rentalpreneurship and come to a realistic yearly break-even number for your business. This will inform your target guest, the experiences you offer, and the minimum rates you charge.

Start Class

  • Class 06
  • 5.47 min.

Forecast Your Revenues

Explore all money-making opportunities for your new business, decide whether they're worth leveraging, and how to get the most out of them. This will give you revenue and profit goals you can work towards hitting and then surpassing.

Start Class

  • Class 07
  • 2.09 min.

Schedule Your Launch

Let’s attach a timeline to your plan so you know the order of when, and why, things are happening. Sticking to a strict (and realistic) timeline ensures you have thought of everything that goes into a successful launch. A good timeline will also keep you motivated and accountable.

Start Class

Up next:


The Method can turn any property into a profitable investment and any person into a rentalpreneur.